5 Ways Involvement Devices Boost Direct-Mail Response

5 Ways Involvement Devices Boost Direct Mail Response

Devices like peel-and-stick icons engage the reader in your advertising

Most advertisements—on television, in newspaper or magazine pages, or in Internet banners—deliver “eyeballs.” But people are more than eyeballs. To the frustration of advertisers, they rush to use the bathroom the instant that costly TV commercials begin to run…flip advertising pages to reach more-interesting editorial matter…and ignore almost all Web-page banners. Advertising—which to deliver results must grasp the attention of readers—bores the pants off most of the people it supposedly reaches. That is why advertising agencies strain to make their advertisements ever-more novel (even bizarre—and sometimes radically off-target )…and why no less an authority than David Ogilvy observed that costly two-page-spread advertising rarely if ever delivers twice the results of one-pagers.

Involvement devices add to the reader’s sense of control

Involvement devices in direct-mail advertising cue the recipient to become an active part of the advertising process. They momentarily change advertising that the reader perceives as coming from “them” into advertising “I” control with my own hands. Rigorous testing shows that such devices can double response rates.

Involvement devices act as stoppers— and keepers

An involvement device, says San Diego marketing consultant James R. Rosenfield, easily can triple, quadruple, even quintuple the time readers spend with an advertisement. The longer a reader spends staying with your advertising, Rosenfield comments, the more likely he or she is to order.

Involvement devices move the reader directly to the transaction

They co-opt the reader’s eyes, hands, and attention into the process of saying “yes” to your offer—using a card to place an order or request information, making a phone call or visiting a Web site, or taking a filled-in coupon or voucher into a bank or a store.

Involvement devices work—even when they don’t work

For instance, many observant direct mailers have noted that by giving the reader a choice of “yes,” “no,” and “maybe” stickers, they can identify potential customers—hot prospects for a future mailing or telemarketing.

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