Marketing Kits

When it comes to marketing, hitting the bull’s-eye is important to Castle Press, and we have a number of tools for you to include in your marketing arsenal. Consult with us during your project development and consider all of your options. Clean up, enhance or expand your database. Use social media options and email with Quick Response Codes (QR) or Personal URL’s (PURL) to track responses and ROI. Use promotional items to create so-called “bulky” mailings that are sure to be opened.

Determine your costs and possible returns by playing “what-if” with our marketing and mailing calculators.

If you would like a personal consultation, email or give us a call to discuss your project with one of our experts.

Robert Miller

marketing kit

Build Your Marketing Kit

Tour our marketing materials to start designing your unique marketing kit today. Explore the marketing kit materials available online from your uploaded PDF:

Pocket Folders

Sell Sheets and Flyers

Folded Brochures

Catalog Envelopes

Booklet Envelopes

Market your business

A custom designed marketing kit is just the tool to show the prospective customer why they need your business. Your marketing kit is an easy in-depth package of FAQs, brochures, calendars or anything you want.

Improve your brand identity

Castle Press can help. With an affordable one-stop-shop marketing kit, your business will stand out like never before.