Extend Your Marketing Reach With A House Newsletter

Extend Your Marketing Reach With A House Newsletter

woman reading newsletter

Your company’s newsletter or other publication can be a useful tool for raising your company’s profile and stimulating sales. A well-produced house publication is as an effective advertisement as there is. There are three key steps in the development of your house mailing program:

  • Clearly define your publication’s marketing goal.

  • Make sure you assign creative responsibility to the right staff (or vendor).

  • Establish a comprehensive budget for the program, including concept, production and postage. Other notes:

Cost — Because there is so much flexibility in developing a house publication, the cost of creating and producing a regular newsletter can be more reasonable than you might expect. If you are looking to reduce costs, consider a bi-monthly or quarterly mailing schedule.

Content — Don’t make the mistake of thinking that your content must be limited to a given number of topics. Interesting industry news, client features and community-service material is all grist for the mill.

Keep mailing — Whatever you ultimately decide for the budget, design and content of your newsletter, sending it out consistently over time is essential. The best responses will come after a year of regular mailing.

—George Griffin “Newsletters: A Printer's Secret Weapon,” I&SCP

See also:

6 Ways a Newsletter can Help you Develop and Retain Customers

7 Pointers on Using a Newsletter as a Marketing Tool

5 Pointers on Publishing an Effective Newsletter

8 Pointers on Publishing an Effective Promotional Newsletter

4 Pointers on Putting out a Newsletter that Sells

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